Press Release


CAMRA comments on the important discussion about sexism and discrimination in the UK beer industry

Following important discussion about sexism and discrimination in the UK beer industry on BBC Radio 4 today, please find below a comment from CAMRA Vice-Chair, Abigail Newton: 

Over recent days, we have followed discussions that are taking place both in the US and UK about the beer industry, sexism, and wider discriminatory behaviour that is abhorrent and has no place within beer festivals, pubs or breweries.   

Beer is a drink for everyone, and as a consumer organisation, we recognise that CAMRA has an important role to play in making people of all genders, or none, feel welcome and safe when they enjoy it, and especially at our own events.   

Over the years, we have taken action to enforce this message and create an environment where there is no room for such behaviour, including our decision to publicly ban drinks with sexist or discriminatory marketing, messaging or imagery from our festivals.   

We hold our volunteers to a Code of Conduct at our festivals, including the Great British Beer Festival. Our Volunteers’ Charter and Code of Conduct state that we will not accept discrimination by members towards other members, or members of the public at our events, and our Disciplinary process enforces this, with suspension or expulsion from the organisation available to our Disciplinary Committee as a sanction.  

All our festivals are expected to implement good practice in creating safe environments, including schemes such as “Ask for Angela” and “Ask for Clive”.  

However, we recognise that there is always room for improvement – because any complaint of this nature is one too many – and we will strive to ensure that safe environment, educate all consumers, support anyone using our disciplinary system to make a complaintreview our policies, and introduce new ones where needed 

As an organisation, we do not tolerate sexism, racism, prejudice or discriminatory behaviour, and CAMRA fully condemns any action or behaviour that makes people feel unwelcome or uncomfortable at a beer festival, pub, bar or place of work. 


